Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease is a result of damage to your kidneys most commonly caused by high blood pressure and diabetes. Chronic Kidney Disease is slow moving and many people do not experience
symptoms for 30 years or more.
Kidneys are comprised of nearly a million tiny filters called nephrons. When the nephrons become damaged they stop working. The extra work is taken on by healthy nephrons but if the damage continues the process begins to repeat itself with more nephrons continuing to shut down. At the point where most people begin to notice symptoms such as decreased urination, swelling, fatigue, nausea, headache and trouble sleeping, there are not enough healthy nephrons left to filter waste products from your blood.
Medicines and lifestyle changes can help you manage Chronic Kidney Disease, see Lifestyle Modifications and Patient Education. There are things you can do to slow or stop the damage to your kidneys. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned that you may be experiencing early signs of Chronic Kidney Disease.
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For more information contact our office: (330) 729-0059 or
How The Kidney Works

Normal kidneys remove extra water and waste products in the body. They also balance chemicals in the body, help control blood pressure, make red blood cells and help build strong bones.
When kidneys fail they are no longer able to clean waste products from the blood. As a result, waste products build up in the blood and can cause extreme tiredness, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, difficulty sleeping, and swelling in the hands, face and feet.
For more information contact our office: (330) 729-0059 or